Submissions are welcomed on all forms of high–performance parallel and distributed computing, including but not limited to clusters, clouds, grids, utility computing, data–intensive computing, and massively multicore systems. Submissions that explore solutions to estimate and reduce the energy footprint of such systems are particularly encouraged. All papers will be evaluated for their originality, potential impact, correctness, quality of presentation, appropriate presentation of related work, and relevance to the conference, with a strong preference for rigorous results obtained in operational parallel and distributed systems.<br>The topics of interest of the conference include, but are not limited to, the following, in the context of high–performance parallel and distributed computing:<br>Systems, networks, and architectures for high–end computing<br>Massively multicore systems<br>Virtualization of machines, networks, and storage<br>Programming languages and environments<br>I/O, storage systems, and data management<br>Resource management, energy and cost minimizations<br>Performance modeling and analysis<br>Fault tolerance, reliability, and availability<br>Data–intensive computing<br>Applications of parallel and distributed computing<br>
Deadline Paper
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