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The 10th IEEE International NEWCAS Conference will be<br>held in Montreal, Canada, during the week of June 17 – 20, 2012 at<br>the Montreal Sheraton Center Hotel&#046; It will encompass a wide range<br>of special sessions and keynote talks given by prominent experts<br>covering key areas of research in microsystems to provide all attendees<br>wth a unique forum for the exchange of ideas and results&#046; The<br>program of the conference has been tailored to reflect the wide<br>spectrum of topics and research interest shared by researchers in<br>the field&#046;<br>THE TOPICS INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO:<br>&#8211; Computer architecture and memories<br>&#8211; Digital, analog and mixed&#8211;signal circuit design<br>&#8211; Test and verification<br>&#8211; Data and signal processing<br>&#8211; Microsystems, sensors and actuators<br>&#8211; CAD and Design tools<br>&#8211; Telecommunications, microwaves and RF<br>&#8211; Neural networks and artificial vision<br>&#8211; Low&#8211;Power circuits &amp; systems techniques<br>&#8211; Imaging &amp; image sensors<br>&#8211; Harvesting / Scavenging Energy<br>&#8211; Biomedical circuits &amp; systems<br>