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<pre>As ICT technologies and software&#8211;intensive systems are increasingly embedded into the fabric of everyday life, effective coordination techniques are needed to enhance our ability to develop software that is responsive to emerging societal demands and changing application needs, exploits effectively recent advances in computing and communication technology, and is capable of adaptive behaviour in the short and in the long term&#046; The distinctive feature of coordination is its emphasis on high&#8211;level abstractions that capture interaction patterns manifest at all levels of the software architecture and extend into the realm of the end&#8211;user and social domain&#046; The Coordination conference series is the premier forum for exposing innovative research results and relevant experience reports on software technologies for collaboration and coordination in concurrent, distributed, and socio&#8211;technical systems&#046; Coordination 2012 seeks high&#8211;quality contributions on the usage, study, design and implementation of languages, models and techniques for coordination in distributed, concurrent, pervasive, and multicore software systems&#046; The focus is on languages, formalisms, models, middleware, patterns, and algorithms that conceptually support a proper engineering of the interaction dimension&#046; Research papers should demonstrate an ability to increase modularity, adaptivity, simplify reasoning, and ultimately enhance the software development process and its integration into a socio&#8211;techical context&#046; Both practical and foundational perspectives are of interest&#046; Given the increasing importance of coordination models and technologies in almost every domain of our existence, the organizers of Coordination 2012 are keen to provide a forum for studies that address practical concerns and industrial grade solutions, e&#046;g&#046;, the introduction of concurrency and distribution concepts to novel domains, comparative evaluations of programming models on important problems, and the adoption of domain&#8211;specific languages&#046; Experience reports are thus welcome that describe lessons learned from the application of proposed models and techniques to problems in the real world&#046; In addition, the conference this year will welcome short "Vision in Progress" papers that try to look far ahead into the future of ICT and society to expose novel &#8211; though preliminary &#8211; ideas on highly innovative models, technologies, or applications, related to coordination models/languages/technologies&#046; * Topics of interest * Coordination 2012 topics of interest include (but are not limited to): * PROGRAMMING ABSTRACTIONS AND LANGUAGES: Design and implementation of languages and middleware related to multicore programming, stream programming, data parallel programming, event&#8211;driven programming, web programming, reactive programming, &#046;&#046;&#046; * COORDINATION MODELS AND PARADIGMS: Service composition and orchestration, tuple spaces, publish&#8211;subscribe systems, event processing, workflow management, cloud management, &#046;&#046;&#046; * SOFTWARE MANAGEMENT AND SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: Component and module systems for distributed software, dynamic software evolution and update technologies, configuration and deployment architectures, multicore and distributed coordination patterns, &#046;&#046;&#046; * SPECIFICATION AND VERIFICATION: Modeling and analysis of issues related to security, privacy, dependability, resource&#8211;awareness, real time, &#046;&#046;&#046; * FOUNDATIONS AND TYPES: Calculi, process models, type systems for concurrency and distribution, component conformance, contracts, &#046;&#046;&#046; * SOFTWARE FOR HIGHLY DECENTRALIZED TECHNOLOGIES: P2P frameworks, nomadic networks, mobile ad&#8211;hoc networks, sensor networks, RFID&#8211;technology, vehicle&#8211;area networks, body&#8211;area networks, Internet&#8211;of&#8211;Things, cyber&#8211;physical systems, &#046;&#046;&#046; * COORDINATION FOR ADAPTIVE AND AUTONOMIC SYSTEMS: adaptive coordination models and patterns, self&#8211;organization and coordination, coordination in systems of feedback loops, middleware for adaptive coordination, multiagent systems, &#046;&#046;&#046; * SOCIO&#8211;TECHNICAL SYSTEMS: coordination in social and socio&#8211;technical systems, coordination and social networking, coordination for crowd&#8211;sourcing and human computation systems, coordination in urban environments, &#046;&#046;&#046; * COORDINATION FOR HUMANITY: Applications of coordination models to people&#8211;centric sensing, ambient intelligence, green computing, coordination for sustainability, &#046;&#046;&#046; * EXPERIENCE REPORTS: Case studies and industrial experiences with coordination in multicore and/or distributed development, business process modeling, e&#8211;commerce, app&#8211;development, web applications, &#046;&#046;&#046;<br></pre>