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<p>Most of critical activities in the areas of communications (telephone, Internet), energy &amp; fluids (electricity, gas, water), transportation (railways, airlines, road), life related (health, emergency response, and security), manufacturing (chips, computers, cars) or financial (credit cards, on&#8211;line transactions), or refinery&amp; chemical systems rely on networked communication and information systems&#046; Moreover, there are other dedicated systems for data mining, recommenders, sensing, conflict detection, intrusion detection, or maintenance that are complementary to and interact with the former ones&#046;</p> <p> With large scale and complex systems, their parts expose different static and dynamic features that interact with each others; some systems are more stabile than others, some are more scalable, while others exhibit accurate feedback loops, or are more reliable or fault&#8211;tolerant&#046; </p> <p> Inter&#8211;system dependability and intra&#8211;system feature dependability require more attention from both theoretical and practical aspects, such as a more formal specification of operational and non&#8211;operational requirements, specification of synchronization mechanisms, or dependency exception handing&#046; Considering system and feature dependability becomes crucial for data protection and recoverability when implementing mission critical applications and services&#046; </p> <p> Static and dynamic dependability, time&#8211;oriented, or timeless dependability, dependability perimeter, dependability models, stability and convergence on dependable features and systems, and dependability control and self&#8211;management are some of the key topics requiring special treatment&#046; Platforms and tools supporting the dependability requirements are needed&#046;</p> <p> As a particular case, design, development, and validation of tools for incident detection and decision support became crucial for security and dependability in complex systems&#046; It is challenging how these tools could span different time scales and provide solutions for survivability that range from immediate reaction to global and smooth reconfiguration through policy based management for an improved resilience&#046; Enhancement of the self&#8211;healing properties of critical infrastructures by planning, designing and simulating of optimized architectures tested against several realistic scenarios is also aimed&#046;</p> <p>To deal with dependability, sound methodologies, platforms, and tools are needed to allow system adaptability&#046; The balance dependability/adaptability may determine the life scale of a complex system and settle the right monitoring and control mechanisms&#046; Particular challenging issues pertaining to context&#8211;aware, security, mobility, and ubiquity require appropriate mechanisms, methodologies, formalisms, platforms, and tools to support adaptability&#046;</p> <p> Improvement of the risk and crisis management in critical infrastructures is achieved by the design of new models, countermeasures, and incident management tools&#046; These new models will help to mitigate the cascading and escalading effects induced by different kind of dependencies present in communication and information systems&#046; Development of decision support tools for critical infrastructures should be validated by scenarios based on different case studies&#046;</p> <p> We are looking for contributions on the actual trends in coping with these new challenges within the research community and industry&#046; We expect some lessons learnt and description of the results coming from different R&amp;D projects (e&#046;g&#046;, like ones in the EC 6th Framework Program), or any other worldwide initiatives&#046; We hope we will be able to identify the gaps between the needs and today&#8242;s available solutions along with new challenges and potential for future directions&#046;</p> <p> DEPEND 2012 will provide a forum for detailed exchange of ideas, techniques, and experiences with the goal of understanding the academia and the industry trends related to the new challenges in dependability on critical and complex information systems&#046;</p><p><br></p>