Gold Coast City
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The Symposium topics include, but are not limited to:<br>Architectures for intelligent autonomous systems (land, marine, aerial and space vehicles)<br>Fault tolerant autonomous system architectures<br>Smart sensors, sensor networks and sensor integration for autonomous vehicles and robots<br>Multiple vehicle systems and networks of autonomous vehicles<br>Multiple Robot systems and their networks<br>Co&#8211;operative robots and co&#8211;operative driverless vehicles<br>Decision making for autonomous driving in a real&#8211;time&#046;<br>Applications of Autonomous Intelligent Vehicles: case studies, test evaluations:<br>Intelligent transportation systems;<br>Underwater robotics : marine biology and geology, ocean exploration robots&#046;<br>Aerial robotics : BLIMP, helicopters, UAVs, environmental monitoring, mapping and surveillance ;<br>Space : spacecraft vehicles, planetary surface exploration ;<br>Field robotics : search and rescue, agriculture, humanitarian demining ;Indoor robotics : entertainment, service robots, domestic robots, rehabilitation and biomedical robotic&#046;<br><div class="boxbottombig"><br></div>