The 13th annual IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference<br>(WAMICON 2012) will be held in the beautiful Cocoa Beach area in Florida. The<br>conference will address up–to–date multidisciplinary research needs and<br>interdisciplinary aspects of wireless and RF technology. The program includes oral<br>presentations, poster presentations, workshops, and tutorials. Prospective authors are<br>invited to submit original and high–quality work for presentation at the WAMICON<br>and for publication in IEEEXplore. The technical program will cover wireless<br>communication systems and RF technologies.<br>Topics of Interest Include:<br>Power Amplifiers (PAs)<br>High–Efficiency PAs, Linearization and Efficiency Enhancement Techniques and<br>Topologies, Novel PA Architectures, High–Power Devices, Linear and Nonlinear<br>Device Modeling and CAD, Thermal Considerations and Reliabilities, PA<br>Applications<br>Active Components and Systems<br>Transceiver Design, Multi–Band RF Circuits and Systems, System–On–Chip<br>System–In–Package, Low–Power IC, Low–Noise IC, Radar RF/MMIC Electronics,<br>Terahertz Electronics, Active (Non–Foster) Filters and Non–Foster Impedance<br>Matching<br>Passive Components and Antennas<br>Filters, Transmission Line Components, MEMS, Advanced Packaging, Antennas<br>and Arrays, Meta–Materials, Electromagnetic Bandgap Structures<br>Wireless Communications<br>Cognitive Radios, Wireless Networking, 3G/4G, Ultra–Wideband (UWB), MIMO,<br>Multi–Carrier, Spread Spectrum, Channel Characterization and Modeling,<br>Software Defined Radios (SDR)<br>Emerging RF and Microwave Technologies<br>Biomedical Applications, Wireless Sensing, Energy Harvesting, Wireless Power<br>Transfer, Nano Devices and Circuits<br>
Cocoa Beach
United States
Deadline Paper
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