Deadline Paper
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End Date

<span>The CANDE (Computer&#8211;Aided Network DEsign) Committee is a technical activity of the <a href="http://www&#046;ieee&#8211;cas&#046;org/">IEEE Circuits and Systems Society</a> and<a href="http://www&#046;ieee&#8211;ceda&#046;org/"&gt; IEEE Council on Electronic Design Automation</a> which acts as a working group for electronic computer&#8211;aided design&#046; The CANDE Committee holds a yearly workshop to discuss advanced issues relevant to the CAD community, bringing together practitioners, researchers, and managers from industry and academia&#046; </span><br><span>The CANDE workshop is a working meeting, as opposed to a conference or symposium&#046; Everyone who attends is expected to interact, so it is kept small by design&#046; All sessions are interactive, by tradition and in practice, and dominated by discussion and not slides&#046; To further encourage long&#8211;range and open discussion, no proceedings are published and no recordings of sessions are allowed&#046; </span><br><span> CANDE community members take an active part in identifying topics and organizing sessions&#046; Planning sessions for the workshop are held at DAC and ICCAD each year&#046; Attendance at the CANDE workshop is open to all EDA/CAD professionals&#046; Members of the CAD community are encouraged to contact the chair for more information&#046;</span><br>