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Welcome to the 2nd International Symposium on Robotics and Intelligent Sensors 2012 (IRIS2012)&#046; The event is organized by Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Malaysia, the Malaysian Robotics and Automation Interest Group (MYRAig), and Nagoya University, Japan&#046; IRIS2012 is intended to provide technical forum and discussion related with robotics and sensors&#046; The symposium is aimed to bring together researchers, academicians, scientists, students, engineers and practitioners to participate and present their latest findings, ideas, developments and applications related to the various aspects of robotics and sensors&#046; IRIS2012 will features interactive Technical Sessions, Special Sessions, Workshop and Exhibition&#046; The programs include keynote addresses by eminent scientists as well as presentation by delegates from industries&#046; IRIS2012 proceedings is indexed in IEEE Xplorer (in progress) and extended version of selected best papers will be consider for publication in selected journals&#046; Papers presented in Special Session will be publish in both proceedings and journal&#046;<br>