South Korea
Deadline Paper
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<p> The forum is organized in a single track, to intensively cover one focus area at each meeting&#046; CAS&#8211;FEST is envisioned by the Circuits and Systems Society as a high&#8211;impact, high&#8211;quality technical forum&#046; The goal is to match the quality of the accepted papers with high quality of presentations&#046; It is required that the presenter of each paper, who must be identified upon submission, should be the most experienced author of the paper&#046; A student may be the first author of a submitted paper, but the paper must be presented by their advisor, unless all authors are students&#046; </p><p> When considering recent developments in this area we see research, prototypes and products for personalized medicine (e&#046;g&#046;, chemical and biological analysis, medical stimulators, labs&#8211;on&#8211;chips), for environmental control (e&#046;g&#046;, sensor networks, smart buildings, smart city, smart grid) and for the consumer market (e&#046;g&#046; next generation cell phone systems, displays, image and signal sensors/processors) and many others&#046; All these systems are characterized by heterogeneous materials/technologies, new types of devices based on silicon nano&#8211;wires, graphene and carbon nano&#8211;tubes fabricated in various technologies, hybrid structures connecting DNA and proteins to a nano&#8211;electronic substrate, heterogeneous types of signals, heterogeneous components, heterogeneous sub&#8211;systems&#046; Analysis and design of such heterogeneous nano circuits and systems is a very important and only partially solved problem&#046; As it can be expected, this problem will become increasingly more important in the coming years with further development and mixing of technologies and implementations, including 3D integration of circuits and systems&#046; </p><p> The prospective authors are invited to submit papers on scientific and technical interest of the following topics (but not limited to): </p><ol><li> advanced nanoelectronic technologies and circuits </li><li> nano&#8211;bio&#8211;sensors </li><li> sensor and circuit co&#8211;design </li><li> energy harvesting </li><li> energy storage at the nano&#8211;scale </li><li> Merging heterogeneous technologies </li><li> Nano&#8211;architectures and self&#8211;assembly </li><li> Heterogeneous nano&#8211;circuits in 3D </li><li> Biomedical diagnostic systems </li><li> Nano&#8211;scale image processing </li></ol><p><br></p>