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<p> The 11th edition of Faible Tension Faible Consommation will be held in Paris, France on June 6&#8211;8, 2012&#046; The conference is technically sponsored by IEEE CAS society and will be co&#8211;organized by Institut Supérieur d’Electronique de Paris&#046; FTFC is dedicated to advances in designing low&#8211;voltage low&#8211;power systems, covering the manufacturing process, circuit simulation tools and synthesis, system&#8211;level design and optimization&#046; The fields of application are numerous, including distributed networks, sensors, implants, SOCs, and embedded systems&#046; It was held for the first time in Paris in 1997&#046;<br><b>The conference proceedings will be published on IEEE Xplore&#046;</b> </p> <p> Topics include, but are not limited to, the following:</p> <ul><li>Technologies and emerging technologies for Low Power and Low Voltage, variability issues</li><li>Wireless communication circuits and networks, RF circuits</li><li>Digital, Analog and mixed&#8211;signal circuits</li><li>Power management and power optimization techniques</li><li>Ultra Low Power implants, sensors, body area networks and wearable computing</li><li>Low Voltage and Low Power computer&#8211;aided design</li></ul> <p><br></p>