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<p align="justify"> The ICWN 2012 offers a track of quality R&amp;D updates from key experts and provides an opportunity in bringing in the new techniques and horizons that will contribute to Wireless Networks in the next few years&#046; All submitted papers will be under peer review and accepted papers will be published in the conference proceeding&#046; Both academia and industries are invited to present their papers dealing with state&#8211;of&#8211;art research and future developments&#046; </p> <p align="justify"> ICWN is an event that focuses on the state of the art technologies pertaining to Wireless Networks&#046; The applications of Electronics Engineeing and Informatics to such domains as astronomy, biology, education, geosciences, security and health care are among topics of relevance to ICWN&#046; It is a technical congregation where the latest theoretical and technological advances on Wireless Networks are presented and discussed&#046; We expect that the conference and its publications will be a trigger for further related research and technology improvements in this important subject&#046; ICWN promotes fundamental and applied research continuing advanced academic education and transfers knowledge between involved both sides of and the Wireless Networks&#046; </p> <p> <span style="font&#8211;size: 10&#046;0pt; font&#8211;family: Verdana" lang="EN&#8211;US"> Original papers are solicited in subjects including, but not limited to the following:</span></p> <div id="page"> <div id="content" class="narrowcolumn1"> <font color="#CC3300">Ad hoc networks<br>Power management and control, low&#8211;power protocols<br>Wireless applications, mobile e&#8211;commerce, multimedia<br>Satellite&#8211;based systems<br>Broadcast networks<br>High altitude platforms<br>GPS, location&#8211;based service and mobile devices<br>Mobile agents<br>Wireless and mobile applications<br>Routing, multicasting, &#046;&#046;&#046;<br>Resource management, wireless QoS<br>Mobile internet<br>Wireless network architectures<br>Mobile computing<br>Wireless security<br>Modeling, simulation, &#046;&#046;&#046;<br>Novel technologies that enhance wireless systems and standards<br>Personal area networks, body wireless networks, Bluetooth<br>Wireless sensor and actuator networks<br>Error detection and correction in sensor networks<br>Mobile sensor networks<br>Underwater sensor networks<br>Imaging sensor networks<br>Agent&#8211;based sensor networks<br>Efficient and reliable MAC protocols for sensor networks<br>Node placement and topology control issues<br>Coding and modulation<br>Multi&#8211;user detection<br>Mobile wireless QoS, radio resource management<br>Heterogeneous wireless networks, radio access networks<br>Software&#8211;defined radio, reconfigurable radio networks<br>Wireless IP networks, interworking<br>Wireless multimedia, QoS adaptation<br>WAP, mobile e&#8211;commerce<br>Disruption tolerant networks and applications<br>Distributed algorithms for wireless networks<br>Autonomous Mobile Sensor Networks<br>Emerging technologies and related issues<br></font></div> </div>