CASES is a forum where researchers, developers and practitioners exchange information on emerging technologies and the latest advances in compilers and architectures for high performance embedded systems design and synthesis. CASES uniquely aims to promote synergies across otherwise vertically integrated communities in embedded systems.<br>CASES seeks original research papers that focus on increasing the efficiency and capabilities of embedded systems via creative approaches that combine compiler, architecture, and synthesis technologies. CASES uniquely aims to promote synergies across otherwise vertically integrated communities in embedded systems. Papers are solicited on but not limited to the following topics:<br>models of computation and compilers for heterogeneous systems including GPUs & FPGAs<br>heterogeneous system–on–chip<br>on–chip communication architectures<br>extensible, customizable ASIPs<br>run–time and design time reconfigurable processors<br>novel nano–based architectures<br>3D architectures, integration and synthesis<br>domain specific embedded applications<br>memory management<br>smart caches and compiler controlled memories<br>static and dynamic timing analysis<br>specification and design of embedded systems<br>compilation and/or synthesis for reliability, power, performance<br>modeling & management for reliability, power, performance<br>validation, verification, & debugging of embedded software<br>analysis techniques for embedded system including design space exploration, co–simulation<br>
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