San Francisco
United States
Deadline Paper
Start Date
End Date

The workshop consists of a morning session with invited talks from leading researchers and professionals from academia and industry, and an afternoon session focused on presentations of peer&#8211;reviewed papers&#046;<br>For the afternoon session, we welcome submission of short papers on topics including, but not limited to:<br>&#8211; Automotive industry requirements for system&#8211;level design of HW/SW in&#8211;vehicle architectures, including<br>o Use cases (e&#046;g&#046;, Exploration, Verification, Validation, and Testing)<br>o Design methodologies (e&#046;g&#046;, Model&#8211;based Design, Platform&#8211;based design, and Contract&#8211;based design)<br>o Non&#8211;Functional Requirements (e&#046;g&#046;, Performance, Safety, Security, and Quality)<br>o Design Data Management and Variant Management<br>o Product Line Requirement Engineering and Management<br>o Model Verification, Validation, and Certification<br>o Requirement Exchange between suppliers and OEMs<br>&#8211; Relationships between the Automotive and Aerospace industry<br>&#8211; Tool technologies to address the following requirements for automotive electronics<br>o Modeling, Analysis, Simulation, Emulation, and Synthesis<br>o Model&#8211;Based, Software in the loop, Model in the loop, Target&#8211;Code based<br>&#8211; New technologies that hold promise in the area (e&#046;g&#046;, Ethernet, DSRC, and Reconfigurable hardware), and design flows to exploit these technologies for automotive electronics<br>&#8211; Novel business models/relationships and partnerships with new market entrants such as mobile communications providers, communication infrastructure suppliers, software stack suppliers, and smart phone/application developers in addressing some of the challenges<br>&#8211; Case studies elaborating use/extensions of conventional EDA/ESL design methodologies in the automotive domain<br>