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<pre>2012 First Asia&#8211;Pacific Programming Languages and Compilers Workshop (APPLC&#8242;12, held in conjunction with PLDI 2012) Beijing, China June 14, 2012 CALL FOR PAPERS Programming languages and compiler techniques are gaining importance in the era of multi&#8211;cores and cloud/mobile computing&#046;Asia&#8211;Pacific Programming Languages and Compilers Workshop (APPLC, pronounced as Apple&#8211;see(d)) is a response to this new reality and to the growing and active research communities in this part of the world&#046; It aims to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners in Asia and Pacific region, as well as other global regions, to exchange innovative ideas and research experiences in programming language design, implementation and compiler techniques&#046; Asia&#8211;Pacific region has a large and growing number of research groups in universities, national labs, and industries focusing on those areas&#046; Their influence is bound to increase in the coming years&#046; The workshop spans the spectrum of all programming languages and compilers related issues&#046; Regular research papers, work&#8211;in&#8211;progress short papers, and posters are solicited on, but not limited to, the following topics: &#8211; Language designs and extensions &#8211; Static and dynamic analysis of programs &#8211; Domain&#8211;specific languages and tools &#8211; Type systems and program logics &#8211; Program transformation and optimization &#8211; Checking or improving the security or correctness of programs &#8211; Memory management &#8211; Parallelism, both implicit and explicit &#8211; Performance analysis, evaluation, and tools &#8211; Novel programming models &#8211; Debugging techniques and tools &#8211; Program understanding &#8211; Interaction of compilers and run&#8211;time systems with underlying systems &#8211; Program synthesis<br></pre>