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<p style="text&#8211;align: justify;"> <span style="font&#8211;size: 16px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font&#8211;family: &#8242;Times New Roman&#8242;; ">The 2012 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ISPACS 2012) will be held at </span><span style="font&#8211;size: 16px; font&#8211;family: &#8242;Times New Roman&#8242;; color: rgb(255, 0, 0); ">Tamsui, New Taipei City, Taiwan</span><span style="font&#8211;size: 16px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font&#8211;family: &#8242;Times New Roman&#8242;; ">&#046; Launched in 1992, this is the </span><span style="font&#8211;size: 16px; font&#8211;family: &#8242;Times New Roman&#8242;; color: rgb(255, 0, 0); ">20th </span><span style="font&#8211;size: 16px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font&#8211;family: &#8242;Times New Roman&#8242;; ">ISPACS&#046; The conference presents every possibility on new technologies based on signal processing and communication&#046; The ISPACS 2012 will include regular sessions on the topics listed below and some special sessions on emerging intelligent signal processing and communication system topics&#046; The </span><span style="font&#8211;size: 16px; font&#8211;family: &#8242;Times New Roman&#8242;; color: rgb(255, 0, 0); ">ISPACS 2012</span><span style="font&#8211;size: 16px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font&#8211;family: &#8242;Times New Roman&#8242;; "> will highlight “</span><span style="font&#8211;size: 16px; font&#8211;family: &#8242;Times New Roman&#8242;; color: rgb(255, 0, 0); ">The Emergence of Intelligent Electronics on Green Signal Processing and Communications for Better Life</span><span style="font&#8211;size: 16px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font&#8211;family: &#8242;Times New Roman&#8242;;">”&#046;</span></p><p style="text&#8211;align: justify;"><span style="font&#8211;size: 16px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font&#8211;family: &#8242;Times New Roman&#8242;;">Topics</span></p><p style="text&#8211;align: justify;"><span style="font&#8211;size: 16px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font&#8211;family: &#8242;Times New Roman&#8242;;">1&#046; Signal Processing<br>1&#046;1 Digital Filters and Filter Banks<br>1&#046;2 Wavelets and Multi&#8211;rate Signal Processing<br>1&#046;3 Adaptive, Non&#8211;linear &amp; Multidimensional Signal Processing<br>1&#046;4 Fast Algorithms for Signal Processing and Communication Systems<br>1&#046;5 Radar, Antennas &amp; Mobile Signal Processing<br>1&#046;6 Ubiquitous Signal Processing &amp; Systems<br>1&#046;7 Data &amp; System Security Techniques<br>1&#046;8 Optical Signal Processing<br>1&#046;9 Statistical Signal Processing<br>1&#046;10 Signal Processing &amp; Data Storage Technology<br>1&#046;11 Others<br>2&#046; Multimedia and Systems<br>2&#046;1 Image and Video Processing<br>2&#046;2 Video Technology<br>2&#046;3 Multimedia Technology and Systems<br>2&#046;4 Speech and Audio Processing<br>2&#046;5 3&#8211;D Imaging and Computer Vision<br>2&#046;6 Error Control and Coding Techniques<br>2&#046;7 Cryptography and Information hiding<br>2&#046;8 Others<br>3&#046; Communication Systems<br>3&#046;1 Radio Propagation and Channel Modeling<br>3&#046;2 Communication Theory<br>3&#046;3 Antenna and Propagation<br>3&#046;4 Wideband Communications<br>3&#046;5 Wireless Systems<br>3&#046;6 Intelligent Comm&#046; Systems &amp; Network Protocols<br>3&#046;7 Others<br>4&#046; VLSI<br>4&#046;1 Analogue, Digital, and Mixed Signal Design<br>4&#046;2 Low Power Design<br>4&#046;3 CAD Tools and SoC Design<br>4&#046;4 IC Design for Multimedia Systems<br>4&#046;5 Others<br>5&#046; Circuits and Systems<br>5&#046;1 Analogue Circuits, Filters, and Data Conversion<br>5&#046;2 Analogue, Digital, and Mixed Signal Processing<br>5&#046;3 Numerical Methods and Circuit Simulation<br>5&#046;4 Circuits and Systems for Communications<br>5&#046;5 Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic Processing<br>5&#046;6 Others<br>6&#046; Emerging Technologies in Signal Processing<br>and Communications<br>6&#046;1 Bioinformatics and Biometric Signal Processing<br>6&#046;2 Emerging Standards for Multimedia Technology<br>6&#046;3 Others<br></span></p><p style="text&#8211;align: justify; "><span style="font&#8211;size: 16px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font&#8211;family: &#8242;Times New Roman&#8242;; "><br></span></p>