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<p>ENERGYCON is a flagship event of IEEE Region 8 (Europe, Middle East and Africa) held every two years in a different Country&#046; ENERGYCON is an international forum for the exchange of ideas and innovative technologies on Sustainable Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Conversion and Utilization of Electrical Energy&#046; It is also the premier IEEE Region 8 forum for the application of Electronics, Instrumentation, Information and Communication Technology in the Electrical Energy Industry&#046;</p><br><p>ENERGYCON_2012 is organized by IEEE Region 8, IEEE Italy Section and the Italian Consorzio EnSiEL, with the technical co&#8211;sponsorship of the Italian AEIT and of the IEEE Societies ComSoc, I&amp;M, Magnetics, PES, and PELS&#046; It run under the motto "Towards User&#8211;Centric Smart Systems", and encompasses a Conference, Tutorial activities, and an Exhibition&#046; </p><br><p>The Conference is organized around four Symposia, where accepted regular papers are presented: it allows participants to further enhance their knowledge and discuss the latest developments in the Electrical Energy field:<br>• Advances in Energy Conversion<br>• Future Energy Grids and Systems<br>• Sustainable Transportation Systems<br>• ICT for Energy<br></p><p><br></p>