Gold Coast
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Communication Systems worldwide have provided a rapidly growing and useful range of services and are<br>continuing to evolve using a multitude of Signal Processing techniques&#046; The 6th International Conference on<br>Signal Processing and Communication Systems, ICSPCS’2012, follows the very successful ICSPCS&#8242;2010 and<br>ICSPCS&#8242;2011&#046; A major objective of the Conference will be to pursue the progression from communication and<br>information theory through to the implementation, evaluation and performance improvement of practical<br>communication systems using Signal Processing technology&#046; The Conference is also planned to be a forum for<br>presenting research into topics ranging from those of the physical layer to the application layer&#046; All aspects of the<br>protocols and processes required for the future Internet to operate better and the applications to utilize the full<br>potential offered by the current and the emerging networking infrastructure are also encompassed&#046; In addition, we<br>expect that, as during the previous events, there will be several papers dealing with image, video and audio<br>processing for multimedia, medical and forensic applications, as well as with the security of private and corporate<br>data&#046;<br>Previously unpublished contributions to the following technical areas, but not limited to, are solicited:<br>Internet<br>* Traffic modelling<br>* Protocols<br>* Embedded Internet devices<br>* New and enhanced services<br>* Resource and information management<br>* Adaptive QoS provisioning<br>* End&#8211;to&#8211;end QoS<br>* Emerging technologies<br>Fixed Networks<br>* Optical networks and switching<br>* Network architectures and equipment<br>* Programmable networks<br>* Test&#8211;beds and trials<br>* New and enhanced services<br>* Network gaming<br>* Pear&#8211;to&#8211;pear networking<br>Wireless Networks<br>* Mobile ad hoc networking<br>* Personal area networking<br>* Cognitive radio and spectrum sensing<br>* Broadband Wireless Access<br>* Cross Layer Design<br>* Mesh Networks<br>* Cooperative and Intermittent Networks<br>* Sensor Networks<br>* Military Communications<br>* Nano&#8211;networks<br>* Test&#8211;beds and new applications<br>Communication theory and techniques<br>* Channel measurements and modeling<br>* Coding and modulation techniques<br>* MIMO &#8211; theory and trials<br>* Spread Spectrum and CDMA systems<br>* OFDM technology<br>* Space&#8211;time coding<br>* Diversity techniques<br>* Ultra Wide&#8211;Band Communications<br>* Antennas and propagation<br>Information Security<br>* Security primitives and algorithms<br>* Security of wireless and distribution networks<br>* Programmable networks security<br>* Security of sensor networks<br>* Authentication and authorization<br>* Encryption<br>* Data integrity<br>Multimedia signal processing<br>* Streamed multimedia applications<br>* Algorithms and implementations<br>* Image and video processing<br>* Error concealment techniques<br>* Management of multimedia services<br>* Test&#8211;beds and trials<br>* Multimedia games<br>DSP algorithms and hardware implementations<br>* DSP implementation in hardware<br>* DSP algorithms<br>* Smart antennas and tracking algorithms<br>* Signal separation &amp; Identification<br>Unconventional applications of Signal Processing and Communication theory<br>* Medical applications<br>* Financial modelling<br>* Data mining<br>* Forensic applications<br>* Traffic modelling<br>* Bio&#8211;Signalling<br>* Molecular Communications<br>* Inter and Intra&#8211;Cellular Communication<br>* Modelling of biological processes<br>Ranging and Localization<br>* Indoor Positioning Technologies and Techniques<br>* Radio&#8211;based Positioning Systems<br>* Ranging and Localization Algorithms<br>* Vehicle/Robot Navigation<br>* Hybrid Positioning and Communication<br>* RFID Localization/Communication<br>* UWB Ranging and Localization