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<br>The 5th workshop on Complex Systems Modelling and Simulation (CoSMoS 2012) will take place as a 1&#8211;day satellite workshop of the Unconventional Computation and Natural Computation conference (http://www&#046;univ&#8211;orleans&#046;fr/lifo/events/UCNC2012/index&#…) at the University of Orléans, France&#046; The CoSMoS workshops series provides a forum for research examining all aspects of the modelling and simulation of complex systems&#046; This year, we will place a special focus on how complex systems simulations can be used to simulate unconventional and natural computation&#046;<br>We are seeking submissions that explore aspects of complex systems modelling and simulation, with a special focus on how complex systems simulations can be used to simulate unconventional and natural computation&#046; Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:<br>* Complex systems simulation case&#8211;studies<br>* Modelling tools and techniques<br>* Simulation infrastructures<br>* Arguing validity of simulations<br>* Concurrency and distribution techniques<br>* Identification of reusable engineering techniques<br>* Working across scientific disciplines<br>