The proceedings of WISE 2012 will be published in 2 separate volumes by Springer in its Lecture Notes in Computer Science series, with best papers to be recommended for publication in special issues of international journals. Topics of interests include but are not limited to:<br>Cloud Computing;<br>Discovering Social Web structures and models;<br>Deep/Hidden Web;<br>Event Processing and Event–driven Systems;<br>Evolution and temporal analysis of the Social Web;<br>Integration of the Web and Internet–connected Objects / IoT;<br>Linked Open Data;<br>Peer–Computing;<br>Rich Web UI;<br>Search, Text and media extraction, clustering and classification of the Social Web;<br>Semantic Web;<br>Social web and Applications;<br>Web Agents and Web Intelligence;<br>Web–based Applications (e.g., Auction and Negotiation, e–Commerce, e–Government, e–Learning, etc.);<br>Web–based Business Processes and Web Services;<br>Web–based Enterprise Systems and Transactions;<br>Web Data Integration;<br>Web Data Mashup;<br>Web Data Models;<br>Web Information Retrieval;<br>Web Metrics and Performance;<br>Web Mining and Web Warehousing;<br>Web Monitoring and Management;<br>Web Security and Trust Management;<br>Web Tools and Languages;<br>Web Visualisation;<br>XML and Semi–structured Data;<br>
Deadline Paper
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