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Testing is one of the most important quality assurance techniques for<br>the (partial) verification of communication and software systems as<br>well as for the validation of their models&#046; Yet, testing remains very<br>challenging in the underlying theory, methods and tools, in industrial<br>use, and in its systematic combined application with other<br>verification techniques&#046;<br>ICTSS<br>&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;<br>ICTSS is a series of international conferences addressing the<br>conceptual, theoretic, and practical problems of testing software<br>systems, including communication protocols, services, distributed<br>platforms, middleware, embedded&#8211; and cyber&#8211;physical&#8211;systems, and<br>security infrastructures&#046;<br>The ICTSS is the successor of previous (joint) conferences TESTCOM and<br>FATES and aims at being a forum for researchers, developers, testers,<br>and users to review, discuss, and learn about new approaches,<br>concepts, theories, methodologies, tools, and experiences in the field<br>of testing of communicating systems and software&#046;<br>Topics of interest<br>&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;<br>* Aspects of testing: test derivation, test selection, test coverage,<br>test implementation and execution, test result analysis, test<br>oracles, test management, monitoring and runtime verification, test<br>frameworks<br>* Model&#8211;based testing: Formal models and modeling languages such as<br>automata, state machines, process algebra, logics, UML, HOL,<br>Markov&#8211;chains, test generation from models, model coverage<br>* Combination of techniques: Techniques that demonstrate how to<br>cleverly and systematically combine testing and formal (model&#8211;based)<br>verification and analysis to improve quality and reduce effort<br>* Quality aspects: Functional, interoperability, performance,<br>conformance, security, reliability, robustness, etc&#046;<br>* Application areas: Communicating systems such as protocols,<br>middleware, networks, web services, wireless applications, control<br>systems, business information systems, embedded and real&#8211;time<br>software, etc&#046;<br>* Combinations of different testing techniques: In particular<br>combination of techniques for the automated generation of test data<br>* Tools and methods: Automated support of any of the testing<br>activities, rigid testing processes, testing driven development,<br>sound metrics and measurements<br>* Case studies: Case studies and industrial applications involving<br>qualified empirical evaluations<br>