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<p> The QSIC series of conferences has a long tradition of bringing together researchers and practitioners to present and discuss innovative methods of assuring software and system qualities&#046; In QSIC 2012, we emphasize on a holistic view of quality assurance across different aspects of software engineering&#046; Additionally, we will have a Software Quality in Practice (SQiP) industry track where experience reports from practitioners will be presented&#046; We aim to facilitate discussions and cross cultivations between industry practitioners and researchers, and between researchers who study different aspects of quality assurance&#046; </p> <h3>TOPICS OF INTEREST (not to be considered a restrictive list)</h3> <p> </p><ul><li>Software Testing, Verification and Validation: based on requirements specification, software architecture design, software programs, software and system configurations, implementation settings&#046; </li><li>Process and Management: quality assurance processes, measurements and metrics, cost benefit analysis, quality impact analysis </li><li>Knowledge Codification and Communication: methods and processes for communicating requirements, design and other software system related knowledge amongst stakeholders to avoid miscommunication of desired intents&#046; </li></ul><p><br></p>