<p> The QSIC series of conferences has a long tradition of bringing together researchers and practitioners to present and discuss innovative methods of assuring software and system qualities. In QSIC 2012, we emphasize on a holistic view of quality assurance across different aspects of software engineering. Additionally, we will have a Software Quality in Practice (SQiP) industry track where experience reports from practitioners will be presented. We aim to facilitate discussions and cross cultivations between industry practitioners and researchers, and between researchers who study different aspects of quality assurance. </p> <h3>TOPICS OF INTEREST (not to be considered a restrictive list)</h3> <p> </p><ul><li>Software Testing, Verification and Validation: based on requirements specification, software architecture design, software programs, software and system configurations, implementation settings. </li><li>Process and Management: quality assurance processes, measurements and metrics, cost benefit analysis, quality impact analysis </li><li>Knowledge Codification and Communication: methods and processes for communicating requirements, design and other software system related knowledge amongst stakeholders to avoid miscommunication of desired intents. </li></ul><p><br></p>
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