The 12th IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology, ISSPIT 2012, is a premiere technical forum for researchers in the fields of signal processing and information technology. ISSPIT 2012 will include state–of–the–art oral, poster sessions, and tutorials related to the key areas outlined below. Accepted papers will be published in the Proceedings of IEEE ISSPIT 2012.<br>Topics of interest include, but not limited to:<br>– Signal Processing Theory and Methods<br>– Signal Processing for Communications<br>– DSP Architectures and Implementation<br>– DSP for Space Applications / Highly Available Architectures<br>– Image and Multidimensional Signal Processing<br>– Multimedia and Biological Signal Processing<br>– Video Processing<br>– Audio and Electro Acoustics<br>– Sensor Arrays<br>– Radar Signal Processing<br>– Internet Software Architectures<br>– Multimedia And Image Based Systems<br>– Mobile Computing And Applications<br>– Online Social Networks<br>– E–Commerce<br>– Bioinformatics And Bioengineering<br>– Information Processing<br>– Geographical Information Systems<br>– Object Based Software Engineering<br>– Speech Processing<br>– Computer Networks<br>– Neural Networks<br>
Ho-Chi-Minh city
Deadline Paper
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