San Diego
United States
Deadline Paper
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Advances in 3G, WiFi, and WiMax technologies have made mobile gadgets an increasingly popular means of Internet access&#046; Deployment of 4G networks and releases of new smart phones and tablets will undoubtedly raise the demand for better signal coverage, faster transmission, and seamless adaptation&#046; One emerging research direction is wireless access virtualization, in which a group of access points collaboratively provide the illusion of a single wide&#8211;coverage access point to simplify connection management on the client side&#046; While enjoying the benefits of accessing information at any time from anywhere, data transmitted over the wireless medium are more susceptible to eavesdropping and packet sniffing&#046; This raises the concerns for data authentication and privacy issues&#046; These technical challenges are aggravated by the proliferation of various cloud services, social networking platforms, and smart connected vehicles&#046;<br>This symposium is devoted to covering original contributions in the design, development, and analysis of novel architectures, platforms, protocols, and applications in mobile computing and vehicle communications&#046; Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:<br>* Novel applications, and services for mobile computing and vehicle communications<br>* Architectures, platforms, and test beds of mobile computing and vehicle communications<br>* Performance characterization of mobile computing platforms<br>* User interfaces and systems design for mobile applications<br>* Mobile and/or vehicle ad hoc networks and sensor networks<br>* Wireless channel and media access control protocols<br>* Wireless access virtualization<br>* Resource management for heterogeneous access networks<br>* Service integration and inter&#8211;networking<br>* Practical solutions for security and privacy issues<br>* Analysis and solutions addressing scalability and reliability issues<br>* Novel mobility schemes and analysis of existing solutions<br>* Implementation of mobile IP and migration of IPv6<br>* Cloud&#8211;assisted mobile computing and vehicle communications<br>* Quality of service for mobile or in&#8211;vehicle media and interactive applications<br>* Vehicular networking and communications for intelligent transportation system<br>