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<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td style="line&#8211;height:22px; text&#8211;align:justify;">2012 International Conference on Power Electronics Engineering and Computer Technology (PEECT) will be held on December 21&#8211;23, 2012 in Yichang, China&#046; PEECT 2012 aims to provide a high&#8211;level international forum for national and international researchers and scholars to present the most recent advances and future challenges in the fields of for power semiconductor devices, power quality, power converters, electrical machines, new energy technology, multi&#8211;motor, computer security, computer architecture, software engineering, computer technology, distributed and parallel systems, computer graphics and multimedia, etc&#046; <span style="color:Red;">All accepted papers will be included in IEEE Xplore and indexed by Ei Compendex and ISTP&#046;</span> </td> </tr> <tr><td class="spaceHeight"><br></td></tr> <tr> <td style="height: 22px"> Topics of interest include but not limited to: </td> </tr> <tr><td style="height: 22px; font&#8211;weight:bold;"> 1&#046; Power Electronics and Applications </td></tr> <tr> <td> <ul style="padding:0px; margin&#8211;left:18px; line&#8211;height:22px; margin&#8211;top:0px;"><li>Power Semiconductor Devices </li><li>New Converter Topologies</li><li>Power Quality, EMC, Filtering and PFC</li><li>Power Electronics, </li><li>VLSI, Microelectronics</li><li>Transmission and Distribution </li><li>Smart and Micro Grids</li><li>Power Electronics for Renewable Energy Systems</li><li>Control of Power Converters</li><li>Modeling and Simulation in Power Electronics </li><li>New Energy and Technology</li><li>Solid&#8211;state materials, Electron Devices and Integrated Circuits</li><li>Electrical Machines</li><li>Computer&#8211;aided Design of Electrical Machines</li><li>Modeling and Simulation in Electrical Drives</li></ul> </td> </tr> <tr><td style="font&#8211;weight:bold;"> 2&#046; Computer Technology</td></tr> <tr> <td> <ul style="padding:0px; margin&#8211;left:18px; line&#8211;height:22px; margin&#8211;top:0px;"><li>Computer graphics and visualization </li><li>Cloud Computing </li><li>Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence</li><li>Cryptography and computer security</li><li>Soft computing</li><li>Computer architecture </li><li>Software engineering</li><li>Cooperative work</li><li>Distributed and parallel systems </li><li>Operating systems </li><li>Theoretical computer science </li><li>Artificial intelligence</li><li>Computer Graphics and Multimedia</li></ul></td></tr></tbody></table>