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<p>Co&#8211;sponsored by the <a title="Armenian Development Agency " href="http://www&#046;ada&#046;am/eng/about&#8211;ada/message/">Armenian Development Agency</a>, the event will be held in conjunction with <a title="DigiTech Expo 2012" href="http://www&#046;digitec&#046;am/?lng=eng">DigiTec Expo 2012</a>, October 5&#8211;7, the leading Armenian international Information and Telecomminication Technologies exposition&#046;</p> <p>Deliberately timed to coincide with the 21st anniversary of Armenian Independence, the forum entitled &#8242;Turning Recession Into Opportunity&#046;&#046;&#046;New Applications, Markets &amp; Regions&#8242; will not only explore the future electronics industry development, technology, business and humanitarian opportunities, it will also highlight Armenian&#8242;s untapped potential for new collaborations in education, engineering, science business and the social environment&#046; </p> <p><strong>Obtain </strong>the latest industry outlook from proven industry gurus</p> <p><strong>Listen </strong>to over 10 visionary presentations from leading industry semiconductor organisations </p> <p><strong>Debate</strong> future industry challenges and markets </p> <p><strong>Celebrate</strong> the 21st Anniversary of Armenian Independence</p> <p><strong>Explore</strong> Armenia&#8242;s untapped frontiers of science and technology</p> <p><strong>Embrace</strong> Yerevan&#8242;s history and culture</p> <p><strong>Engage </strong>with other forum delegates, and develop new business relationships </p> <p><strong>Enjoy</strong> Future Horizons&#8242; unmatched forum structure and hospitality</p> <p><br></p>