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<p style="text&#8211;align: justify;">The <span data&#8211;scayt_word="Loughborough" data&#8211;scaytid="1">Loughborough</span> Antennas &amp; Propagation Conference (LAPC) is the largest annual UK conference dedicated to the field of Antennas and Propagation&#046; This established series of conferences, now in its 8th year, regularly attracts 250 national and international participants from academia, research institutes, industry and government bodies&#046; LAPC follows a single&#8211;track format where invited guest talks by leading experts in special sessions are alternated with open poster sessions&#046; The Burleigh Court International Conference Centre at Loughborough University will again host this year’s event&#046; Burleigh Court is just a 20 minute drive from the East Midlands Airport and a 1 hour 20 minute train ride from London&#046; With its 4 Star on&#8211;site accommodation, Burleigh Court provides a convenient, comfortable and friendly environment for delegates to discuss and debate new research; network and collaborate on projects; and catch up on new technologies&#046;</p> <p style="text&#8211;align: center; "> </p>