<p style="text–align: justify;">The <span data–scayt_word="Loughborough" data–scaytid="1">Loughborough</span> Antennas & Propagation Conference (LAPC) is the largest annual UK conference dedicated to the field of Antennas and Propagation. This established series of conferences, now in its 8th year, regularly attracts 250 national and international participants from academia, research institutes, industry and government bodies. LAPC follows a single–track format where invited guest talks by leading experts in special sessions are alternated with open poster sessions. The Burleigh Court International Conference Centre at Loughborough University will again host this year’s event. Burleigh Court is just a 20 minute drive from the East Midlands Airport and a 1 hour 20 minute train ride from London. With its 4 Star on–site accommodation, Burleigh Court provides a convenient, comfortable and friendly environment for delegates to discuss and debate new research; network and collaborate on projects; and catch up on new technologies.</p> <p style="text–align: center; "> </p>
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