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International Computer Symposium (ICS) is one of the largest joint international IT symposiums held in Taiwan&#046; Founded in 1973, it is intended to provide a forum for researchers, educators, and professionals to exchange their discoveries and practices, and to explore future trends and applications in computer technologies&#046; The biennial symposium offers a great opportunity to share research experiences and to discuss potential new trends in the IT industry&#046; This year, ICS 2012 is held at National Dong Hwa University (NDHU) in Taiwan on December 12&#8211;14, 2012&#046;<br>Workshops of ICS 2012<br>1&#046; Workshop on Algorithms, Bioinformatics, and Computation Theory<br>Chairs: Jimmy J&#046; M&#046; Tan (National Chiao Tung Univ&#046;, TW), Lih&#8211;Hsing Hsu (Providence Univ&#046; TW)<br>2&#046; Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Fuzzy Systems<br>Chair: Chang&#8211;Shing Lee (National Univ&#046; of Tainan, TW)<br>3&#046; Workshop on Computer Architecture, Embedded Systems, SoC, and VLSI/EDA<br>Chair: Cheng&#8211;Wen Wu (Industrial Technology Research Institute of Taiwan, TW)<br>4&#046; Workshop on Computer Networks and Web Service/Technologies<br>Chair: Kwei&#8211;Jay Lin (Univ&#046; of California, Irvine, USA)<br>5&#046; Workshop on Crytography and Information Security<br>Chairs: Chin&#8211;Chen Chang (Feng Chia Univ&#046;, TW), Jeng&#8211;Shyang Pan (National Kaohsiung Univ&#046; of Applied Sciences, TW)<br>6&#046; Workshop on Database, Data Mining, and Information Retrieval<br>Chair: Arbee L&#046;P&#046; Chen (National Cheng Chi Univ&#046;, TW)<br>7&#046; Workshop on Digital Content, Digital Life, and Human Computer Interaction<br>Chair: Yi&#8211;Ping Hung (National Taiwan Univ&#046;, TW)<br>8&#046; Workshop on Image Processing, Computer Graphics, and Multimedia Technologies<br>Chairs: H&#046;J&#046; Lee (Tzu Chi Univ&#046;, TW), Chung&#8211;Lin Huang (National Tsing Hua Univ&#046;, TW)<br>9&#046; Workshop on Information Literacy, e&#8211;Learning, and Social Media<br>Chair: An&#8211;Chi Liu (Feng Chia Univ&#046;, TW)<br>10&#046; Workshop on Mobile Computing, Wireless Communications, and Vehicular Technologies<br>Chair: Sy&#8211;Yen Kuo (National Taiwan Univ&#046;, TW)<br>11&#046; Workshop on Parallel, Peer&#8211;to&#8211;peer, Distributed, and Cloud Computing<br>Chair: Wang&#8211;Chien Lee (The Pennsylvania State Univ&#046;, USA)<br>12&#046; Workshop on Software Engineering and Programming Languages<br>Chair: Wuu Yang (National Chiao Tung Univ&#046;, TW)<br>