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The 8th Jordanian International Electrical &amp; Electronics Engineering Conference 2013 organized by the Jordan Engineers Association (JEA) in cooperation with the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) Jordan Section, and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Jordan section&#046;<br>Following the success of Seven previous JIEEECs, Jordan Engineers Association will hold its eighth international JIEEEC conference&#046; The conference will provide a forum for researchers, experts and engineers to discuss research ideas, exchange knowledge and practices, and review advancements in related topics&#046;<br>Technical Symposia &#8211; providing numerous technical sessions with papers presenting the latest technical advances through peer&#8211;reviewed papers&#046;<br>Prospective authors are invited to submit original technical papers for presentation at symposia and publication in the conference proceedings from the following symposium list:<br>&#8211; Symposium on Communications Engineering<br>&#8211; Symposium on Computer Engineering<br>&#8211; Symposium on Biomedical Engineering<br>&#8211; Symposium on Power and Energy<br>