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When interconnecting different end&#8211;nodes in on&#8211;chip and multi&#8211;chip processing<br>architectures, the communication infrastructure plays a dominant role in<br>determining overall system metrics such as performance, reliability and often<br>even area and power&#046; On the other hand, each application domain poses its<br>own design constraints that the interconnect fabric has to cope with, thus<br>leading to well differentiated architecture design principles&#046; Ultimately,<br>careful engineering of the interconnection network is at the core of the<br>successful development of both on&#8211;chip and multi&#8211;chip processing architectures&#046;<br>The program of the workshop is organized around two main directions&#046;<br>The first direction includes original papers describing new and previously<br>unpublished results on all aspects of interconnection network architectures&#046;<br>Topics of interest include but are not limited to:<br>* Networks&#8211;on&#8211;Chip (NoC)<br>* Multi&#8211;Chip Interconnection Networks, including Cluster Interconnects<br>* "Commodity Switches" as general&#8211;purpose building blocks<br>* Switching, buffering, and routing architectures<br>* Flow control and congestion management in switching fabrics<br>* Virtualization<br>* Topology exploration<br>* Timing, synchronous/asynchronous communication<br>* Reliability, availability, fault tolerance<br>* Area/power versus functionality/QoS support in NoC architectures<br>* NoC physical link design<br>* NoC testing and verification<br>* Programming models for NoC&#8211;centric systems<br>The second direction will be focused to the design and analysis of reconfigurable<br>Networks&#8211;on&#8211;Chip&#046; Besides of the already known, hardwired interconnection networks,<br>this special session tries to identify possible new solutions to the area of<br>reconfigurable Networks&#8211;on&#8211;Chip that can better adapt to system&#8242;s needs&#046;<br>The main target of this session is to attract highly qualified submissions<br>that fall into the next three broad categories:<br>* Specifically designed network components that allow some form of static or<br>runtime programmability to their function, allowing for higher performance<br>under certain occasions or for additional fault tolerance&#046;<br>* The mapping and implementation of NoCs to reconfigurable platforms (FPGAs)<br>as soft components and the implications that this mapping generates to the NoC<br>architecture&#046;<br>* On&#8211;demand network topologies and structures that better fit to the application<br>characteristics and algorithms&#046;<br>