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ICCAT 2013 Computer Applications Technology is the effective use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in an end&#8211;user environment in order to provide solutions to real&#8211;life situations&#046; Computer Applications Technology comes from and forms part of the broader knowledge domain of ICTs&#046;<br>ICCAT 2013 Program Committee encourages the submission of original unpublished work describing research, technologies and experiences in all fields related to Computer Applications Technology&#046; The conference accepts two forms of submissions, Full Papers or Abstracts&#046; Authors should submit Abstracts or Full papers by November 1, 2012&#046; Papers will be peer reviewed, and acceptance will be based on quality, relevance and originality&#046; The list of topics includes, but is not limited to the followings:<br>Topics<br>§ Scientific Computing<br>§ Signal and Image Processing<br>§ Artificial Intelligence<br>§ Computer Networking<br>§ Computer Security<br>§ Virtual Reality<br>§ Simulation and Optimization Techniques<br>§ Problem Solving Environments<br>§ Advanced Statistical Algorithms<br>§ Genetic Computational Algorithms<br>§ Web&#8211; and Grid&#8211;based Simulation<br>§ Parallel Computing<br>§ Distributed Computing<br>§ Bioinformatics<br>§ Bioinformatics and Scientific Computing<br>§ Biomedical Engineering<br>§ Operation Research<br>§ Computer Games<br>§ Computer Graphics &amp; Virtual Reality<br>§ Computer Graphics and Multimedia<br>§ Academic Integrity, Plagiarism Detection and Software Misuse<br>§ Nature Inspired Optimization Algorithms and their Applications<br>§ Collaborative Design in Knowledge&#8211;based Environment<br>§ Information technology and critical systems<br>§ e&#8211; Business<br>§ UML methods<br>§ Architectural design<br>§ Computer Modelling<br>§ Computer&#8211;aided Design/Manufacturing<br>§ Computing Ethics<br>§ Computing Practices &amp; Applications<br>§ Control Systems<br>§ Data Communications<br>§ Data Compression<br>§ Data Encryption<br>§ Data Mining<br>§ Database Systems<br>§ Parallel and Distributed Computing<br>§ Pattern Recognition<br>§ Performance Evaluation<br>§ Programming Languages<br>§ Robotics and Automation<br>§ Computer Animation<br>§ Computer Architecture &amp; VLSI<br>§ Computer Architecture and Embedded Systems<br>§ Computer Based Education<br>§ Computer Security for banking system<br>