Deadline Paper
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CAiSE welcomes all submissions that fall in the domain of information systems engineering, in particular those in the following list&#046; Four kinds of contributions are accepted: technical papers, empirical evaluation papers, reports of experience, and exploratory papers&#046; This year, the conference will be particularly glad to receive exploratory papers that share visions, novel approaches, or insight into new information systems engineering paradigms&#046;<br>The CAiSE topics of interests include, but are not restricted to:<br>Methods, techniques and tools for IS engineering<br>Innovation and creativity in IS engineering<br>Enterprise architecture and enterprise modelling<br>Requirements engineering<br>Business process modelling, analysis and management<br>Requirements, models, and software reuse<br>Adaptation, evolution and flexibility issues<br>Domain engineering IS in networked &amp; virtual organizations<br>Method engineering<br>Knowledge, information, and data quality<br>Languages and models<br>Mining, monitoring and predicting<br>Variability and configuration Matching, compliance and alignment issues<br>Conceptual design and modelling<br>Security Service science<br>Innovative platforms, architectures and technologies for IS<br>Service&#8211;oriented architecture<br>Model&#8211;driven architecture<br>Component based development<br>Agent architecture<br>Distributed, mobile, and open architecture<br>Innovative database technology<br>Semantic web<br>IS and ubiquitous technologies<br>Adaptive and context&#8211;aware IS<br>Domain specific IS engineering:<br>eGovernment<br>Enterprise applications (ERP, COTS)<br>Data warehouses and business intelligence<br>Workflow systems<br>Knowledge management systems<br>Content management systems<br>Sustainability&#8211;aware IS<br>Semantic web<br>