Rapid CitySD
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An IEEE Region&#8211;4 sponsored conference, the 2013 IEEE&#8211;EIT, is hosted by South Dakota School of Mines &amp; Technology&#046; This conference provides a high profile forum for disseminating the latest research on electrical and computer engineering with application in information technology&#046; It brings together academic researchers, industrial scientists, and IT professionals from electrical engineering, computer engineering, computer science, and informatics to share late&#8211;breaking advances of these interdisciplinary fields&#046;<br>The 2013 IEEE&#8211;EIT welcomes the submission of original full research papers, short papers, posters, workshop proposals, tutorials, and industry professional reports&#046; In the EIT exhibits, the latest technology, tools, and products will be showcased&#046; There will be excellent opportunities for professional development, workshops, and tutorials&#046;<br>Topics of interest include but are not limited to:<br>&#8211; Biomedical Engineering: Biomedical Applications, Telemedicine, Biometrics, Bioinformatics<br>&#8211; Computing and Information Technology: Cloud Computing, Embedded Systems, Computer Virtualization, Distributed Computing, Mobile Computing, Software Engineering and Middleware Architecture, Sensor Networks, Distributed Data Fusion and Mining<br>&#8211; Micro&#8211;Nano Systems: Micro Electromechanical Systems &amp; Mechatronics, Solid State, Consumer and Automotive Electronics, Nanotechnology, Electronic Design Automation<br>&#8211; Information Technology Education: Educational Trends &#8211; Engineering and IT, Green IT, Information Security, Innovative IT Services – Practices, Research in Engineering and IT Education, Emerging Technology Trends<br>&#8211; Power and Controls: Power Electronics, Storage Technologies, Intelligent and Multi&#8211;Agent Control Systems<br>&#8211; Signal Processing: Signal/Image and Video Processing, Unified Communications, Wireless Communication<br>