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In 2010, AusGrid event was broadened to include all aspects of parallel and distributed computing and hence was called as Australasian Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (AusPDC)&#046; Following a couple of successful events, it comes to the 11th this year in the series&#046; In both New Zealand and Australia parallel and distributed computing has been recognised as strategic technologies for driving their moves towards knowledge economies&#046; A number of projects and initiatives are underway in both countries in these areas&#046; There is a natural interest in tools which support collaboration and access to remote resources given the challenges of the countries location and sparse populations&#046;<br>Topics of interest for the symposium include (but not limited to):<br>Cloud computing<br>Grid computing<br>Cluster computing<br>Multi&#8211;core systems<br>Peer&#8211;to&#8211;peer computing<br>GPUs and other forms of special purpose processors<br>Service computing and workflow management<br>Managing large distributed data sets<br>Middleware and tools<br>Performance evaluation and modeling<br>Interconnection networks<br>Performance accelerators<br>Problem&#8211;solving environments<br>Parallel programming models, languages and compilers<br>Runtime systems<br>Operating systems<br>Resource scheduling and load balancing<br>Data mining<br>Computational Science and Engineering<br>Agent&#8211;based computing<br>Reliability, security, privacy and dependability<br>Applications and e&#8211;Science<br>