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Cloud computing has emerged as a promising direction for cost&#8211;efficient and reliable service delivery across data communication networks&#046; The dynamic location of service facilities and the virtualization of hardware and software elements are stressing the communication network and protocols, especially when datacenters are interconnected through the Internet&#046; Although the "computing" aspects of Cloud technologies have been largely investigated, lower attention has been devoted to the "networking" and communications aspects&#046; The 2012 IEEE 1st International Conference on Cloud Networking (IEEE CloudNet 2012), part of the IEEE Cloud Computing Initiative, precisely addresses these aspects&#046; Conference topics include (but are not limited to):<br>Data Center Network Management, Reliability, Optimization<br>Distributed Data Center Architectures<br>Internet Routing of Cloud data<br>Ethernet Routing: TRILL, Shortest Path Bridging, L2LSP, OpenFlow<br>Virtual Ethernet Bridging, Data Center Bridging<br>Cloud Traffic Characterization and Measurements<br>Intra&#8211;Cloud and Inter&#8211;Cloud Networking<br>Cloud Traffic Engineering and Control&#8211;Plane Architectures<br>Green Cloud Networking<br>Security, Privacy, Confidentiality in Cloud networking<br>Network on the fly, Virtual control, Virtual radio, Isolation<br>Unified User and Machine Mobility Management<br>Virtualization of Wireless Equipment<br>Mobile Cloud Networking, Follow&#8211;Me&#8211;Cloud<br>Storage Area Networks, Optical Interconnect, Fiber Channel<br>Content and Service Distribution<br>