Las Vegas
United States
Deadline Paper
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Soon after returning from Las Vegas in January, the ExCom re&#8211;grouped and started preparing for the 2013 International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE)&#046; This 31st ICCE will emphasize the tremendously developing technology around user&#8211;centric consumer electronics design: terms like User Experience will be common use as well as human&#8211;device&#8211;interaction and multimodality of assistive systems&#046; All other consumer technology will of course be addressed as usual&#046;<br>The standing of ICCE in the consumer electronics community is unbeaten: the conference is the world&#8242;s number&#8211;one event organized by the consumer electronics society; a central meeting&#8211;point for experts from science and industry from all continents&#046; And coming to Las Vegas in January has a further benefit: you can visit the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) at the same time&#046;