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ICS is the premier international forum for the presentation of research results in high&#8211;performance computing systems&#046; ICS 2013 will be held at the University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, in the heart of the Willamette Valley&#046;<br>Contributions to the technical program, workshops, and tutorials are sought covering a broad range of research, development, and application of high&#8211;performance experimental and commercial systems&#046; Topic of interest include, but are not limited to:<br>Computer architecture and hardware, including multicore and multiprocessor systems, accelerators, memory, interconnection network and storage and file systems;<br>High&#8211;performance computational and programming models, including new languages and middleware for high performance computing, auto&#8211;tuning and function&#8211;specific code generators;<br>High performance system software, including compilers, runtime systems, programming and development tools, performance tools, and operating systems;<br>Hardware and software solutions for heterogeneity, reliability, and power efficiency;<br>Languages, runtimes, and hardware for “big data” scenarios with a focus on high&#8211;performance data analytics, including scalable data structures, dealing with large quantities of unstructured data, online monitoring and I/O, and parallel visualization;<br>Computationally challenging scientific and commercial applications, particularly studies and experiences on large&#8211;scale systems, and supercomputing on big data problems;<br>Large scale installations, including case studies to guide the design of future systems and solutions for efficiently scaling power, performance and reliability;<br>Novel infrastructures for internet, grid and cloud computing;<br>Performance evaluation studies and theoretical underpinnings of any of the above topics&#046;<br>