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The 13th ACSD conference aims at cross&#8211;fertilizing both theoretical and applied research on any topic in the conference field, including:<br>design methods, tools and techniques based on models of computation and concurrency (data&#8211;flow models, communicating automata, Petri nets, process algebras, graph rewriting, state charts, MSCs, etc&#046;);<br>graph transformations (as an elementary model of concurrency and many applications), logics for concurrency (e&#046;g&#046;, modal and temporal logics);<br>verification, testing, synthesis and (performance) analysis;<br>software and hardware memory models, semantics (operational, axiomatic), theorem proving, memory model aware verification;<br>hardware/software co&#8211;design, platform&#8211;based design, component&#8211;based design, energy&#8211;aware design, refinement techniques, hardware/software abstractions, co&#8211;simulation and verification;<br>synchronous and asynchronous design, asynchronous circuits, globally asynchronous locally synchronous systems, interface design, multi&#8211;clock systems, functional and timing verification;<br>concurrency issues in hard real&#8211;time systems, embedded systems and Systems on Chip, massively parallel architectures, Networks on Chip, task and communication scheduling, resource, memory and power management, fault&#8211;tolerance and Quality of Service issues;<br>concurrency issues in ad&#8211;hoc, mobile and wireless networking, wireless sensor networks, communication protocols, cross&#8211;layer optimization, resource and power management, fault&#8211;tolerance, concurrency&#8211;related security and safety&#8211;critical issues;<br>systems of systems (e&#046;g&#046;, cyber&#8211;physical systems, ambient systems): design, verification and deployment;<br>synthesis and control of concurrent systems, (compositional) modeling and design, (modular) synthesis and analysis, distributed simulation and implementation, (distributed) controller synthesis, adaptive systems, supervisory control;<br>concurrent programming, scalability and the Cloud;<br>(industrial) case studies of general interest, gaming applications, consumer electronics and multimedia, automotive systems, (bio&#8211;)medical applications, internet and grid computing, etc&#046;;<br>business process modelling, simulation and verification, (distributed) workflow execution, business process (de&#8211;)composition, interorganisational and heterogeneous workflow systems, computer&#8211;supported collaborative work systems, web services&#046;<br>