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<p> Variability management is a major challenge in the development, maintenance, and evolution of software&#8211;intensive systems&#046;<br>An important precondition to the effective and efficient management of variability is that it must be explicitly modelled&#046;<br></p> <p> Thus VaMoS 2013 will focus broadly on innovative work in the area of variability modelling and management&#046;<br>We particularly invite contributions with a strong variability modelling aspect, but also addressing the wider area of variability management, e&#046;g&#046;, requirements, architecture, implementation, and evolution&#046;<br></p> <p>The VaMoS workshop series aims at bringing together researchers from different areas dedicated to mastering variability to discuss advantages, drawbacks, and complementarities of various approaches and to present new results for mastering variability throughout the whole life cycle of systems, system families, and product lines&#046; </p> <p>The workshop will feature invited keynotes as well as peer&#8211;reviewed paper presentations&#046;</p><br><span class="ptitle" style="padding&#8211;left: 100px">Topics (non&#8211;exclusive)</span> <span class="par"> <ul style="padding:5px 0 5px 100px;"><li>Variability across the software life cycle</li><li>Separation of concerns and modularity</li><li>Variability evolution</li><li>Variability mining</li><li>Reverse engineering for variability</li><li>Feature, aspect, and service orientation</li><li>Software configuration management</li><li>Architecture and design approaches for variability</li><li>Software economic aspects of variability</li><li>Visualization and management of variability</li><li>Adaptivity at runtime and development time</li><li>Formal reasoning and automated analysis of variability</li><li>Programming languages and tool support</li><li>Case studies and empirical studies</li></ul> </span><br>