Deadline Paper
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Aims &amp; Topics of Interest<br>&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;&#8211;<br>The growth of the Web and user bases lead to important performance problems for large&#8211;scale distributed information retrieval (IR) systems&#046; Scalability and efficiency of these systems also have an impact on their effectiveness&#046; Consequently, scalability and efficiency in the context of retrieval systems continue to be an important topic in IR research&#046;The LSDS&#8211;IR&#8242;13 workshop aims to bring together both information retrieval practitioners from industry, as well as academic researchers concerned with efficient and distributed IR systems&#046; The workshop also welcomes contributions that propose different ways of leveraging diversity and multiplicity of resources available in distributed systems&#046;<br>Topics of interest will include, but will not be limited to:<br>&#8211; Novel distributed IR applications<br>&#8211; Web search in the cloud: applications of cloud computing to IR<br>&#8211; Energy&#8211;aware processing techniques for web search<br>&#8211; IR algorithms on novel computing architectures<br>&#8211; Efficiency for feature&#8211;based models<br>&#8211; Efficiency and scalability in distributed query processing<br>&#8211; Query forwarding algorithms for multi&#8211;site search engines<br>&#8211; Inverted index partitioning and replication models<br>&#8211; Lossy and lossless inverted index compression<br>&#8211; Collection selection and result merging in federated IR<br>&#8211; Distributed web crawling<br>&#8211; Distributed indexing and retrieval of dynamic information sources<br>&#8211; Caching for search engines<br>&#8211; Heterogeneous distributed data integration and organization<br>&#8211; Evaluation of the impact of search efficiency on user satisfaction<br>&#8211; Retrieval models for distributed IR<br>&#8211; Standards and benchmarks for distributed IR<br>