As IC design and process technology continue to advance toward increased performance, lower power, and higher levels of<br>integration, effective and timely completion of engineering activities traditionally separated by the boundary between design<br>and process technology will require closer collaboration between the two disciplines. The International Conference on IC<br>Design and Technology provides a forum for engineers, researchers, scientists, professors and students to cross this<br>boundary through discussions specifically focused on design and process technology interdependencies. The unique<br>workshop style of the conference provides an opportunity for technologists and product designers to exchange breakthrough<br>ideas and collaborate effectively. Two days of technical presentations and workshops will be preceded by a one–day tutorial<br>program of value to both the expert and the beginner.<br>The venue of 2013 International Conference on IC Design and Technology (ICICDT) will be in the<br>historical hall "Aula Volta" at University of Pavia in Pavia, Italy. A visit at the ‘Volta’ Museum where<br>there are original instruments realized by Alessandro Volta is included in the Social Program.<br>Papers are solicited on:<br>• Design approaches including system, circuit and EDA to manage power, leakage, process variation, signal integrity,<br>reliability, yield, and manufacturability<br>• Advanced VLSI design, including embedded and host processors, ASICs, memory sub–systems, analog and mixedsignal<br>circuits<br>• Multicore System–on–Chip (SoC), System–in–Package (SiP), and IP reuse for fast design closure<br>• Advanced materials, advanced metallization, and 3D interconnection for realization of novel interconnect schemes<br>• Process and circuit technology for advanced memories: ReRAM, PRAM, MRAM, FeRAM, DRAM, SRAM, Nanocrystal<br>Memory, Flash, etc with emphasis on reliability<br>• Advanced transistor structures for bulk, multiple gate, FDSOI, PDSOI, SSOI, SiGe, III–V/Ge FET , etc. technologies<br>• RF and analog properties of advanced devices (MOS, Bipolar, MEMS, etc.); RF, mm–Wave and analog circuits on<br>advanced technologies (planar, heterogeneous, 3D, etc.)<br>• New gate materials for adjusting Vt, enhanced mobility and scalability, low leakage, and low power<br>• SER, thermal, leakage, Plasma–Induced Damage (PID), reliability, yield, etc effects on advanced transistor structures and<br>circuits<br>• Simulation and modeling of advanced processes, devices and circuits<br>• Nanotechnology materials, devices and circuits<br>• ESD protection circuitry, mixed–voltage–tolerant I/O design, high speed and low power I/O buffer design<br>• Emerging IC technologies and circuits such as organic IC′s, integrated sensors and integrated actuators<br>• High Power, High Voltage devices and technologies<br>Paper<br>
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