The organizing committee invites you to submit your papers and special session proposals to this conference. The benefits of attending are considerable for established academics and new scientists alike. Your paper will be reviewed by 2–4 experts of the field that may offer you valuable guidelines to improve your work. In case of acceptance, you will be given the opportunity to present your research and share it with scientists from all over the world. You will stay up to date with the latest advances in the field and you will have the chance to discuss possible future collaborations. The conference proceedings will appear in all the important scientific Indexes. After the conference, all presented papers will be evaluated according to the recommendation of the chairmen and the scientific committee will announce the Best Papers in the post conference report. Furthermore, following your registration you will be given instructions on how to submit an extended version of your paper. The scientific committee will select a number of these extended versions for publication in a NAUN journal, completely free of charge.<br>Apart from the academic benefits, one should also consider the rich social and cultural program that is always associated with WSEAS events. Attractive destinations and quality venues ensure an enjoyable stay to all participants. The multinational composition of the attendees often stimulates the initiation of fruitful conversations. The overall experience is always fulfilling.<br>Contributions related, but not limited, to the following topics of interest are welcome:<br>Sensors:<br>Thermal Sensors<br>Electromagnetic Sensors<br>Mechanical Sensors<br>Chemical Sensors<br>Optical Sensors<br>Light Sensors<br>Ionising radiation Sensors<br>Acoustic Sensors<br>Non Initialized systems<br>Initialized systems<br>Classification of measurement errors<br>Resolution<br>Biological sensors<br>Geodetic sensors<br>Optical radiation<br>Photodetectors<br>Retroreflectors<br>Infra–red sensors<br>Proximity sensor<br>Applications: Scanning laser, binoculars, interferometry,<br>scintillometers, fiber optic sensors, Geiger counter,<br>dosimeter, Scintillation counter, Neutron detection,<br>subatomic particle sensors: Particle detectors,<br>scintillator, Wire chamber, cloud chamber, bubble chamber<br>sound sensors : microphones, hydrophones, seismometers.<br>motion sensors: radar gun, speedometer, tachometer, odometer, occupancy sensor, turn coordinator<br>orientation sensors: gyroscope, artificial horizon, ring laser gyroscope<br>distance sensor (noncontacting) Several technologies can be applied to sense distance: magnetostriction<br>Quadrature wheels, whisker sensors<br>Topics for Noise<br>Hysteresis<br>Resolution<br>Biological sensors<br>Actuators<br>Data acquisition systems<br>Data loggers<br>Nanosensors<br>Detection theory<br>Fully Automatic Time<br>Hydrogen microsensor<br>Nanoelectronics<br>Sensor networks<br>Sensor Web<br>Sensor Array and Multi–channel Processing<br>Transducers<br>Wireless hydrogen sensor<br>Sensor circuits<br>Sensor Networks Design<br>Cross–layer design, Data aggregation<br>Distributed algorithms and complexity analysis<br>Localization, Medium access control protocols<br>Mesh and opportunistic networks<br>Sensor Tracking<br>Protocols, Redundancy, RFID<br>Routing & transport protocol<br>Self–configuration and maintenance algorithm<br>Self–healing ad–hoc networks, Sensor–Actor networks<br>SoC and SiP with integrated sensors<br>Time synchronization, Target tracking<br>Trends in technology and standards<br>Ubiquitous and ambient networks<br>Bandwidth management<br>Data storage and retrieval<br>Energy efficiency, Fault tolerance and reliability<br>Middleware design, Simulation and theoretical analysis<br>Tracing and trace analysis<br>Information processing<br>Integrity control, Location and mobility<br>Mechanisms for authentication<br>Mobility, QoS, Reconfigurability<br>Security and encryption<br>Sensor security, Traffic scheduling<br>Ad–Hoc and Sensor Networks<br>Encryption algorithm<br>Embedded chip design<br>Software tools for chip programming, Data aggregation,<br>Modeling and validation of sensor network architectures<br>Monitoring tools, Performance comparison on capacity, coverage and connectivity<br>Performance measurement, Power management<br>Scalability, System debugging and testing, System implementation<br>Trade–off analysis<br>Base station secure management<br>Adaptive Waveform Design for Agile Sensing<br>Signal Processing:<br>Digital Signal Processing<br>Image Processing<br>DSP Implementation and Embedded Systems<br>Audio/Speech Processing and Coding<br>Image/Video Processing and Coding<br>Watermarking and Information Hiding<br>Multimedia Communications<br>Time–Frequency/Time–Scale Analysis<br>Analog and Mixed Signal Processing<br>Parallel and Distributed Processing<br>Colored Image Processing<br>Internet Oriented Signal Processing<br>Signal Processing for Communications<br>Modulation and Channel Coding<br>Mobile and Wireless Communications<br>Optical Communications<br>Communication and Broadband Networks<br>Visual Media Quality Assessment<br>Multidimensional Systems<br>Neural Netwroks for SP<br>Fuzzy Logic for SP<br>Evolutionary Algorithms and other CI Techniques for SP<br>Signal Processing for Control Systems<br>Signal Processing for Power Systems<br>Computational Geometry<br>Data Bases for SP Applications<br>Language Processing<br>Speech Processing<br>Computer Music<br>Signal Detection and Applied Mechanics<br>Geographic Information Systems and SP<br>Electronics for Signal Processing<br>Artificial Vision<br>Artificial Man<br>Robotics<br>DSP Techniques for RF/Analog Circuit Impairments<br>Signal Processing for GNSS and Robust Navigation<br>Managing Complexity in Multiuser MIMO Systems<br>Array SIgnal Processing<br>Computer Communication and Networks<br>Cryptography and Network Security<br>Soft Computing and Machine learning for Signal Processing and Communications<br>Network–Aware Multimedia Processing<br>Performance Limits of Ultra–Wideband Systems<br>Convex Optimization Methods for Signal Processing<br>Signal Processing and Networking for Dynamic Spectrum Access<br>MIMO–Optimized Transmission Systems for Delivering Data and Rich Content<br>Genomic and Proteomic Signal Processing<br>Distributed Processing in Vision Networks<br>Signal Processing for Astronomical and Space Research Applications<br>fMRI Analysis for Human Brain Mapping<br>Digital Image Processing Techniques for Biomedicine<br>Communications: Microwaves, Radar, Antennas, Scaterring and SP<br>
Deadline Paper
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End Date