Deadline Paper
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The organizing committee invites you to submit your papers and special session proposals to this conference&#046; The benefits of attending are considerable for established academics and new scientists alike&#046; Your paper will be reviewed by 2&#8211;4 experts of the field that may offer you valuable guidelines to improve your work&#046; In case of acceptance, you will be given the opportunity to present your research and share it with scientists from all over the world&#046; You will stay up to date with the latest advances in the field and you will have the chance to discuss possible future collaborations&#046; The conference proceedings will appear in all the important scientific Indexes&#046; After the conference, all presented papers will be evaluated according to the recommendation of the chairmen and the scientific committee will announce the Best Papers in the post conference report&#046; Furthermore, following your registration you will be given instructions on how to submit an extended version of your paper&#046; The scientific committee will select a number of these extended versions for publication in a NAUN journal, completely free of charge&#046;<br>Apart from the academic benefits, one should also consider the rich social and cultural program that is always associated with WSEAS events&#046; Attractive destinations and quality venues ensure an enjoyable stay to all participants&#046; The multinational composition of the attendees often stimulates the initiation of fruitful conversations&#046; The overall experience is always fulfilling&#046;<br>Contributions related, but not limited, to the following topics of interest are welcome:<br>Sensors:<br>Thermal Sensors<br>Electromagnetic Sensors<br>Mechanical Sensors<br>Chemical Sensors<br>Optical Sensors<br>Light Sensors<br>Ionising radiation Sensors<br>Acoustic Sensors<br>Non Initialized systems<br>Initialized systems<br>Classification of measurement errors<br>Resolution<br>Biological sensors<br>Geodetic sensors<br>Optical radiation<br>Photodetectors<br>Retroreflectors<br>Infra&#8211;red sensors<br>Proximity sensor<br>Applications: Scanning laser, binoculars, interferometry,<br>scintillometers, fiber optic sensors, Geiger counter,<br>dosimeter, Scintillation counter, Neutron detection,<br>subatomic particle sensors: Particle detectors,<br>scintillator, Wire chamber, cloud chamber, bubble chamber<br>sound sensors : microphones, hydrophones, seismometers&#046;<br>motion sensors: radar gun, speedometer, tachometer, odometer, occupancy sensor, turn coordinator<br>orientation sensors: gyroscope, artificial horizon, ring laser gyroscope<br>distance sensor (noncontacting) Several technologies can be applied to sense distance: magnetostriction<br>Quadrature wheels, whisker sensors<br>Topics for Noise<br>Hysteresis<br>Resolution<br>Biological sensors<br>Actuators<br>Data acquisition systems<br>Data loggers<br>Nanosensors<br>Detection theory<br>Fully Automatic Time<br>Hydrogen microsensor<br>Nanoelectronics<br>Sensor networks<br>Sensor Web<br>Sensor Array and Multi&#8211;channel Processing<br>Transducers<br>Wireless hydrogen sensor<br>Sensor circuits<br>Sensor Networks Design<br>Cross&#8211;layer design, Data aggregation<br>Distributed algorithms and complexity analysis<br>Localization, Medium access control protocols<br>Mesh and opportunistic networks<br>Sensor Tracking<br>Protocols, Redundancy, RFID<br>Routing &amp; transport protocol<br>Self&#8211;configuration and maintenance algorithm<br>Self&#8211;healing ad&#8211;hoc networks, Sensor&#8211;Actor networks<br>SoC and SiP with integrated sensors<br>Time synchronization, Target tracking<br>Trends in technology and standards<br>Ubiquitous and ambient networks<br>Bandwidth management<br>Data storage and retrieval<br>Energy efficiency, Fault tolerance and reliability<br>Middleware design, Simulation and theoretical analysis<br>Tracing and trace analysis<br>Information processing<br>Integrity control, Location and mobility<br>Mechanisms for authentication<br>Mobility, QoS, Reconfigurability<br>Security and encryption<br>Sensor security, Traffic scheduling<br>Ad&#8211;Hoc and Sensor Networks<br>Encryption algorithm<br>Embedded chip design<br>Software tools for chip programming, Data aggregation,<br>Modeling and validation of sensor network architectures<br>Monitoring tools, Performance comparison on capacity, coverage and connectivity<br>Performance measurement, Power management<br>Scalability, System debugging and testing, System implementation<br>Trade&#8211;off analysis<br>Base station secure management<br>Adaptive Waveform Design for Agile Sensing<br>Signal Processing:<br>Digital Signal Processing<br>Image Processing<br>DSP Implementation and Embedded Systems<br>Audio/Speech Processing and Coding<br>Image/Video Processing and Coding<br>Watermarking and Information Hiding<br>Multimedia Communications<br>Time&#8211;Frequency/Time&#8211;Scale Analysis<br>Analog and Mixed Signal Processing<br>Parallel and Distributed Processing<br>Colored Image Processing<br>Internet Oriented Signal Processing<br>Signal Processing for Communications<br>Modulation and Channel Coding<br>Mobile and Wireless Communications<br>Optical Communications<br>Communication and Broadband Networks<br>Visual Media Quality Assessment<br>Multidimensional Systems<br>Neural Netwroks for SP<br>Fuzzy Logic for SP<br>Evolutionary Algorithms and other CI Techniques for SP<br>Signal Processing for Control Systems<br>Signal Processing for Power Systems<br>Computational Geometry<br>Data Bases for SP Applications<br>Language Processing<br>Speech Processing<br>Computer Music<br>Signal Detection and Applied Mechanics<br>Geographic Information Systems and SP<br>Electronics for Signal Processing<br>Artificial Vision<br>Artificial Man<br>Robotics<br>DSP Techniques for RF/Analog Circuit Impairments<br>Signal Processing for GNSS and Robust Navigation<br>Managing Complexity in Multiuser MIMO Systems<br>Array SIgnal Processing<br>Computer Communication and Networks<br>Cryptography and Network Security<br>Soft Computing and Machine learning for Signal Processing and Communications<br>Network&#8211;Aware Multimedia Processing<br>Performance Limits of Ultra&#8211;Wideband Systems<br>Convex Optimization Methods for Signal Processing<br>Signal Processing and Networking for Dynamic Spectrum Access<br>MIMO&#8211;Optimized Transmission Systems for Delivering Data and Rich Content<br>Genomic and Proteomic Signal Processing<br>Distributed Processing in Vision Networks<br>Signal Processing for Astronomical and Space Research Applications<br>fMRI Analysis for Human Brain Mapping<br>Digital Image Processing Techniques for Biomedicine<br>Communications: Microwaves, Radar, Antennas, Scaterring and SP<br>