The organizing committee invites you to submit your papers and special session proposals to this conference. The benefits of attending are considerable for established academics and new scientists alike. Your paper will be reviewed by 2–4 experts of the field that may offer you valuable guidelines to improve your work. In case of acceptance, you will be given the opportunity to present your research and share it with scientists from all over the world. You will stay up to date with the latest advances in the field and you will have the chance to discuss possible future collaborations. The conference proceedings will appear in all the important scientific Indexes. After the conference, all presented papers will be evaluated according to the recommendation of the chairmen and the scientific committee will announce the Best Papers in the post conference report. Furthermore, following your registration you will be given instructions on how to submit an extended version of your paper. The scientific committee will select a number of these extended versions for publication in a NAUN journal, completely free of charge.<br>Apart from the academic benefits, one should also consider the rich social and cultural program that is always associated with WSEAS events. Attractive destinations and quality venues ensure an enjoyable stay to all participants. The multinational composition of the attendees often stimulates the initiation of fruitful conversations. The overall experience is always fulfilling.<br>Contributions related, but not limited, to the following topics of interest are welcome:<br>Systems on a Chip<br>VLSI Circuits and Systems<br>Analog Circuits and Systems<br>Digital Circuits and Systems<br>Mixed–Mode Circuits and Data Converters<br>Consumer Electronics<br>Nonlinear Circuits and Systems<br>Optoelectronic Circuits<br>Power Electronics<br>Power Management<br>MEMS, Sensors and Sensory Systems<br>Nanotechnology<br>Communication Circuits and Systems<br>RF and High–Frequency Circuits<br>Wireless Communication Circuits and Systems<br>Circuit Level Implementation of RF–MEMS<br>Data Communication Circuits and Systems<br>Biomedical Circuits and Systems<br>Biologically Inspired Circuits and Systems<br>Cellular Neural Networks<br>Education<br>Neural Networks<br>Computer–Aided Design<br>System, Circuits, and Device Modelling<br>System, Circuits, and Device Simulation<br>Optimization<br>Design Automation<br>Digital Signal Processing<br>Speech Processing<br>Image Processing<br>Pattern Recognition<br>Visualization<br>Multimedia Systems<br>Computational Intelligence<br>Artificial Intelligence<br>Control Theory<br>Control Systems<br>Robotics<br>Fuzzy Logic<br>Identification<br>Fractals and Chaos<br>Applications<br>
United States
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