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The organizing committee invites you to submit your papers and special session proposals to this conference&#046; The benefits of attending are considerable for established academics and new scientists alike&#046; Your paper will be reviewed by 2&#8211;4 experts of the field that may offer you valuable guidelines to improve your work&#046; In case of acceptance, you will be given the opportunity to present your research and share it with scientists from all over the world&#046; You will stay up to date with the latest advances in the field and you will have the chance to discuss possible future collaborations&#046; The conference proceedings will appear in all the important scientific Indexes&#046; After the conference, all presented papers will be evaluated according to the recommendation of the chairmen and the scientific committee will announce the Best Papers in the post conference report&#046; Furthermore, following your registration you will be given instructions on how to submit an extended version of your paper&#046; The scientific committee will select a number of these extended versions for publication in a NAUN journal, completely free of charge&#046;<br>Apart from the academic benefits, one should also consider the rich social and cultural program that is always associated with WSEAS events&#046; Attractive destinations and quality venues ensure an enjoyable stay to all participants&#046; The multinational composition of the attendees often stimulates the initiation of fruitful conversations&#046; The overall experience is always fulfilling&#046;<br>Contributions related, but not limited, to the following topics of interest are welcome:<br>Systems on a Chip<br>VLSI Circuits and Systems<br>Analog Circuits and Systems<br>Digital Circuits and Systems<br>Mixed&#8211;Mode Circuits and Data Converters<br>Consumer Electronics<br>Nonlinear Circuits and Systems<br>Optoelectronic Circuits<br>Power Electronics<br>Power Management<br>MEMS, Sensors and Sensory Systems<br>Nanotechnology<br>Communication Circuits and Systems<br>RF and High&#8211;Frequency Circuits<br>Wireless Communication Circuits and Systems<br>Circuit Level Implementation of RF&#8211;MEMS<br>Data Communication Circuits and Systems<br>Biomedical Circuits and Systems<br>Biologically Inspired Circuits and Systems<br>Cellular Neural Networks<br>Education<br>Neural Networks<br>Computer&#8211;Aided Design<br>System, Circuits, and Device Modelling<br>System, Circuits, and Device Simulation<br>Optimization<br>Design Automation<br>Digital Signal Processing<br>Speech Processing<br>Image Processing<br>Pattern Recognition<br>Visualization<br>Multimedia Systems<br>Computational Intelligence<br>Artificial Intelligence<br>Control Theory<br>Control Systems<br>Robotics<br>Fuzzy Logic<br>Identification<br>Fractals and Chaos<br>Applications<br>