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<pre>The 2013 International Workshop on Embedded Multicore Systems (ICPP&#8211;EMS 2013) will bring researchers and experts together to present and discuss the latest developments and technical solutions concerning various aspects of embedded Multicore computing&#046; ICPP&#8211;EMS 2013 seeks original unpublished papers focusing on emerging applications, embedded compilers, embedded memory and architecture design, DSP/GPU systems, ESLs, embedded Multicore programming models, and WCET analysis&#046; Moreover, ICPP&#8211;EMS 2013 also welcomes work&#8211;in&#8211;progress, case studies, visionary idea, new application challenges, and industrial practice studies&#046; Topics of Interest &#8211; Memory Architectures for embedded Multicore systems &#8211; Design for emerging embedded memory systems &#8211; Compilers for DSP processors &#8211; Embedded Multicore processors &#8211; Compilers for heterogeneous embedded Multicore systems&#046; &#8211; Programming models for embedded Multicore systems &#8211; Signal processing on embedded Multicore systems &#8211; Multimedia signal processing algorithms on embedded Multicore systems &#8211; Multimedia applications on embedded Multicore systems &#8211; Human&#8211;computer interaction on Multicore systems &#8211; Augmented reality applications on Multicore systems &#8211; Software for Multicore, GPU, and embedded architectures &#8211; VM for embedded systems &#8211; 3D IC and Multicore architectures &#8211; Real&#8211;time system designs for embedded Multicore environments &#8211; Compiler for low&#8211;power &#8211; ESL designs for embedded Multicore systems &#8211; Applications for Automobile electronics of Multicore designs &#8211; Embedded OS designs and performance tuning tools &#8211; hardware/software co&#8211;design framework &#8211; embedded devices + cloud computing framework &#8211; Compiler for worst&#8211;case execution time analysis &#8211; Formal method for embedded systems </pre>