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Power electronics is a key enabling technology for sustainable energy saving and it is dramatically increasing in the grid interface of renewable energy sources and in efficient electrical loads&#046; The necessity for power electronics technology in these rapidly expanding areas creates a rising need for design engineers equipped with knowledge and skills to follow sound engineering principles and actively involved in multidisciplinary team&#046; PESA 2013 National Conference is a forum for interaction among engineers, researchers, teachers and students working in the area of power electronics systems and its applications&#046; It will be held at National Institute of Technology Rourkela, India, during March/16&#8211;17, 2013&#046; The conference will comprise of technical sessions and Key note addresses&#046;<br>Authors are invited to submit the papers for the conference to the specified e&#8211;mail: pesa2013conference@gmail&#046;com All the papers must follow the IEEE format and should not exceed more than six (6) pages&#046; Paper to be submitted should not be previously published in other Conference/Journal&#046; All the papers will be reviewed by the technical committee and the corresponding author of selected paper will be intimated through e&#8211;mail&#046; A paper will be published in the conference proceedings if it is presented in the conference by one of the authors&#046;<br>