United States
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ISMM is a forum for research in memory management&#046; Areas of<br>interest include but are not limited to:<br>* Memory allocation and de&#8211;allocation<br>* Garbage collection algorithms and implementations<br>* Compiler analyses and tools to aid memory management<br>* Empirical analysis of heap intensive programs<br>* Formal analysis and verification of heap intensive programs<br>* Memory system design and analysis<br>* Verification of memory management algorithms<br>* Development and evaluation of open source implementations<br>related to memory management<br>* Memory management on non&#8211;traditional or new architectures<br>or systems<br>ISMM solicits full&#8211;length submissions covering new work on<br>these and related topics&#046; Surveys, comparative analysis, and<br>methodological papers delving into areas covered by prior<br>work are also welcome&#046; An author rebuttal period of 3 days<br>will be provided&#046; The principal criteria for acceptance are<br>scientific merit, innovation, readability, and<br>relevance&#046; Papers previously published or already being<br>reviewed by another conference are not eligible&#046; If a<br>closely related paper has been submitted to a journal, the<br>authors must notify the program chair (see the SIGPLAN<br>republication policy)&#046; The submission deadline for ISMM is<br>chosen to be shortly after the author notification deadline<br>for PLDI, to allow for authors of relevant papers not<br>accepted for PLDI to re&#8211;submit them to ISMM&#046;<br>