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The conference looks for significant contributions to the Wireless and Mobile networks in theoretical and practical aspects&#046; WiMoN&#8211;2013 addresses topics<br>regarding integration of latest technologies to realize wireless, mobile and ubiquitous service environments for advanced applications and services&#046; Original<br>papers are invited on Wireless and Mobile communications, Network protocols and security&#046; The goal of this conference is to bring together researchers and<br>practitioners from academia and industry to focus on advanced Wireless, Mobile networking concepts and establishing new collaborations in these areas&#046;<br>Authors are solicited to contribute to the conference by submitting articles that illustrate research results, projects, surveying works and industrial experiences<br>that describe significant advances in the following areas, but are not limited to<br>Topics of Interest<br>?Mobile and Wireless Communications<br>?Network Protocols &amp; Wireless Networks<br>?Wireless &amp; Mobile Network Architectures<br>?Wireless &amp; Mobile Network Operations &amp; management<br>?Wireless, Mobile Internet and Web applications<br>?Wireless Multimedia systems<br>?Wireless Sensor Networks<br>?Spectrum Allocation and Management<br>?Wireless LANs and Wireless PANs<br>?Heterogeneous wireless networks<br>?Measurement &amp; Performance Analysis<br>?Mobile Computing<br>?Next Generation Mobile Networks<br>?Mobile Adhoc Network Routing and sensor networks<br>?Measurement &amp; Performance Analysis<br>?Wireless &amp; Mobile Network Security<br>?Routing, switching and addressing techniques &amp; algorithms<br>?Internet access and broadband technologies<br>?Traffic and congestion control, QoS, Resource Management<br>?Ubiquitous networks<br>?Recent trends in wireless &amp; Mobile Networks<br>Paper Submission<br>Authors are invited to submit papers through the conference Submission system by January 05, 2013&#046; Submissions must be original and should not have been<br>published previously or be under consideration for publication while being evaluated for this conference&#046;The proceedings of the conference will be published by<br>Springer (LNCS) in Communications in Computer and Information Science(CCIS) Series (Confirmed)&#046;Hard copy of the Springer Proceedings will be distributed<br>during the Conference&#046; The softcopy will be available on SpringerLink<br>Selected papers from WiMoN 2013, after further revisions, will be published in the special issue of the following journal&#046;<br>?International journal of Network Security &amp; Its Applications (IJNSA)<br>?International journal of Computer Networks &amp; Communications (IJCNC)<br>?International Journal of Wireless &amp; Mobile Networks (IJWMN)<br>?International journal of computer science &amp; information Technology (IJCSIT)<br>?International Journal on Cloud Computing: Services and Architecture (IJCCSA)<br>?International Journal of Advanced Smart Sensor Network Systems ( IJASSN )<br>?International Journal of Mobile Network Communications &amp; Telematics ( IJMNCT)<br>?International Journal on AdHoc Networking Systems (IJANS)<br>