The scope of ERSA covers broad area, from simple applications on programmable logic to complex, intelligent, high–performance, embedded systems implemented as multicore systems and heterogeneous parallel processing systems. All these complex systems involve reconfigurability on software and/or hardware level.<br>The range of topics covers theory, architecture, algorithms, design systems, and applications that demonstrate the benefits of reconfigurable computing:<br>Theory – Synthesis, Mapping, Parallelization, Partitioning...<br>Software – CAD Systems and Languages, Compilers, Operating Systems...<br>Hardware – Adaptive and Dynamic Hardware, Heterogeneous and Reconfigurable Architectures...<br>Applications – HPC, Mobile Computing, Automotive Industry, Space and Military...<br>ERSA explores emerging trends and novel ideas in the area of parallel, reconfigurable, high–performance computing architecture, design methods and applications. ERSA is promoting multidisciplinary research and new visionary approaches including bio–inspired architectures, computational biology, physics etc.<br>
Las Vegas
United States
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