<span style="font–family:Monaco">The conference is soliciting high quality contributions that advance<br>the state of the art in CSCW:<br>– empirical studies of work that contribute to the design space,<br>– novel techniques and technologies,<br>– enhancement of the conceptual foundations.<br>In particular, the conference welcomes contributions that focus on:<br>– Empirical studies of collaboration in settings ranging from work to<br>civic engagement and everyday life.<br>– Comparative analyses of empirical studies that contribute to a<br>deeper understanding of domain specific or more general CSCW principles.<br>– Empirical studies on the appropriation of innovative technologies.<br>– Studies on collaborative work in emergent and developing economies.<br>– Investigations into the usage and design of coordination artefacts as<br>well as webs of technology (infrastructures).<br>– New technology–enabled forms of organization and virtual organizing.<br>– Innovative technologies, applications, or functionality in support of<br>collaborative work.<br>– Conception, construction and use of CSCW technologies in complex<br>and demanding settings, like manufacturing, software engineering,<br>healthcare, care giving, security, and control systems.<br>– Architectures supporting CSCW technologies with quality requirements,<br>such as flexibility, tailorability, and adaptability.<br>– Ubiquitous and mobile computing in collaborative settings: empirical<br>research of use, studies of integration with other CSCW technologies<br>and applications.<br>– Innovative use of social media to support collective action.<br></span>
Deadline Paper
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