San Francisco
United States
Deadline Paper
Start Date
End Date

The MASCOTS conference is a well&#8211;established forum for state&#8211;of&#8211;the&#8211;art research on the measurement, modeling, and performance analysis of <a href="http://www&#046;wikicfp&#046;com/cfp/servlet/event&#046;showcfp?eventid…; style="text&#8211;decoration:underline" id="_GPLITA_1" title="Click to Continue > by Giant Savings">computer</a> systems and networks&#046; The 21st edition of this conference will take place August 14&#8211;16, 2013 in San Francisco, CA&#046; The conference will bring together academics and industry practitioners to present and discuss their latest research results&#046; The technical program for the 3&#8211;day conference will include keynote talks, refereed full and work&#8211;in&#8211;progress papers, and posters&#046;<br>We encourage original submissions describing state&#8211;of&#8211;the&#8211;art research in the areas of computer networks and performance evaluation of computer systems&#046; The MASCOTS conference encourages papers describing results of theoretic and/or practical significance&#046; Papers presenting new performance evaluation methods or those applying existing methods to provide new insights to design trade&#8211;offs in computer and networked systems are particularly encouraged&#046; Broad topics of interest include:<br>• Computer architectures, multi&#8211;core processors, and memory systems<br>• Computer networks, protocols, and algorithms<br>• Distributed and cloud computing<br>• Energy efficient computer systems<br>• Operating systems, file systems, and databases<br>• Mobile systems<br>• Multimedia systems<br>• Smart grids<br>• Social networks<br>• Storage systems and networks<br>• Web&#8211;based systems and services<br>• Wireless, mobile, ad&#8211;hoc, and sensor networks<br>