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Lappeenranta University of Technology together with I&#8211;Space Institute (USA) and Aalto University invite you to take part in the 1st InnoSim Workshop – Simulation for Innovation – which takes place in Helsinki, Finland on March 24&#8211;26, 2013&#046;<br>The two&#8211;day program will include: distinguished keynote speakers, research paper presentations and "Hot Topic" discussions as well as interaction with practitioners via poster sessions&#046;<br>The workshop is designed to provide an open forum for the presentation of the latest tools, results and trends in modeling and simulation of innovation and new product development (NPD) processes&#046; This workshop is organized as part of a TEKES&#8211;funded project – there will be no conference fees for participants (please take care of your own travel and hotel costs)&#046;<br>Submissions from academic, research, industry and policy organizations are encouraged and should focus on the following topics:<br>&#8211; Modeling and simulation of Innovation and NPD Processes<br>&#8211; Management decision support models<br>&#8211; Simulations of open innovation<br>&#8211; Simulations of Innovation Systems<br>&#8211; Modeling of Entrepreneurship and Innovation strategies<br>&#8211; Other management and business processes related simulations<br>